O I love this part. Every few years my buddy Jason and I take a trip. There are not many people you can travel with for a week without wanting to stab them. He also collects HRC shot glasses so it seems to work out. This year I spent a week, three different times, back home in Seattle. It was fun but I’m ready for something big again. I only get to do a big trip every few years. Jason brought up a cruise from Barcelona to Athens by way of Malta. Sounded like a blast but it’s not until Nov and I don’t want to wait. I’ve done some serious planning and price checking and these three lead the way.
Although running with the bulls looked cool I’m thinking with my luck I’ll be the one the bull gets. I found a cruise from Barcelona to France to Italy and back. I know many of you will say boo on a cruise but I enjoy them. I love the home base that moves with us. No lugn bags around and all your food paid up front. We did the U.K., Scotland, Paris, and Amsterdam trip 3 years ago. We also did a 9 day Bahamas and Caribbean cruise 4 years ago. I enjoyed both ways of traveling.
Second we could fly just to Malta for 9 days. I’m not a big sit on the beach for a week kind of traveler. I’m a gogogo and see as much as possible. I can even over plan them at times. It’s something I’ve really had to work on. Nothing scares me more in life then not having a plan. But I’ve come along way and something this tropical could work.
The final one is our HRH east coast run. We would fly into Baltimore and rent a car driving to 12 or so Hard Rock Cafes then a few days in Iceland. I’ve never been to New York or Boston. We would see Niagara Falls and the Smithsonian.
I’m sure it will all change but those are leading the way. I get lots of comments from old friends that say “I wish I could travel like you.” Well then do it. Travel is like having kids. If you wait till you financially ready you’ll never do it. Pick something 9 months out and work at saving for it. These are experiences that can never be taken away from you. Get off your ass!!!